40. Breast Cancer Show Ever (Season 12, Episode 09)
There’s something very Batman about this episode, and females might
like it for being one of the few episodes taken from the perspective of a
girl even though the ending doesn’t give her a classic heroine’s
triumph, though very few characters in South Park get that kind of
honour too often. I like this one for sticking up for a good cause and a
healthy state of mind and spirit.
“I was wrong to make fun of breast cancer, and I’m very remorsefulness.” -Cartman
41. Freak Strike (Season 6, Episode 01)
Nobody is safe from mockery in South Park, not even people with
terrible afflictions, nor trailer trash, and especially not talk show
hosts who exploit these people.
“I ran for congress and won. Then I had sex with an intern, killed her, and hid her body. Whatever, I do what I want.” -Cartman
42. Smug Alert! (Season 10, Episode 02)
South Park has used, and still does use, the term “hippie” to be
almost synonymous with “liberal.” These days a hippie is just a liberal
on a “phase,” walking barefoot and refusing to wash regularly, but the
philosophy is the same: live for absolute freedom in exchange for a lack
of social standards. For liberals with money, this means that the
lowest common denominator for social status is what you can buy, and if
that means a token solution to an environmental problem then why not?
“I know, it’s like, Earth to America, Hello? This is simple stuff here, Gawl” -Randy